Festive Ideas 2017 for Decorating Your Home and Interiors
- October 17, 2017
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This time is the festival time like Diwali, Christmas etc. So everyone is busy in enhancing the beauty of home. When you are going to decorate a room first, remove all the furniture’s and other accessories and make your home like empty canvas then you will get a chance to change every places of your home according to your personality, which you will like. Whether you are tired of your old place or you are going to a new place, it is important to add beauty and charm to your home. For the best results, you should try to change the big aspects of your home while including small details.
1) Make big changes: – This is the beginning step. You should start from the big changes. So remove the all clutters and furniture from the room. And start from wall. Clean your ceiling area with long broom and remove ceiling fan and handmade carpet from your room. When your room is empty then paint the wall of your room in your favorite color. You can choose room color according to your existing accents. The painting walls of your homes can be the fastest way to refresh and add some interest to the viewing. Choose a color that fits your personality and fits your space.
2) Try to buy new furniture: – The furniture is absolutely the most important aspect of furniture. If you are short on furniture or have been using the same piece for many years, then consider bringing some new furniture to your home. Select comfortable pieces in colors and styles that match your personality. If you do not have enough money to buy new furniture for your apartment, give a change to your current furniture in a kitchen or bathroom, try to paint the cabinets with a new color or blur it.
3) Add some artwork: – Nothing does more for a space than filling the walls with artwork, prints, and posters. Choose a selection of artwork and prints in complementary colors and themes; Nature looks like photography, painting, posters, favorite quotes, etc. Keep in mind that you can only use image frame artwork which matches with your furniture.
4) Add Floating Shelves: – Floating shelves are small rows of shelves that are connected directly to your wall, so you can add beautiful photos or other small decorative accessories on it. These are great for keeping small ornamental items, add glass bottles / flowers vase, things you’ve collected from your travels, and other beautiful things on the shelves that match your interior design.
5) Choose matching rug: – The purpose of the carpets is in double nature: covering irreversible or dirty flooring and adding interest and patterns to your floor. Select an handmade area rug which fills up the empty space of your room. Find the carpets in colours and patterns that will go through your decor and according to my opinion, too much ‘matching’ might look boring. You can also arrange furniture on a rug.
6) Add lighting: – There are so many options available in market for the lighting. But this is festival time so you should use some different styles like decorate your home with diyas, candles. You can use the net of lighting for decorating the outdoor patio.
The above five ideas you can use for decorating your home in this festival time.